Help for those who love and serve
Showing posts with label Virtue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virtue. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Video: I Choose to Be Pure

You will love this new youth website video!

Six youth from six different religions talk about their decisions to stay sexually pure.

They answer these questions:

Why do you choose to be sexually pure?
Some people say they can't control themselves. What do you say to that?
How do you feel about your choice to stay sexually pure?

Wouldn't it be wonderful if all young women could answer these questions articulately?

Link to share:

(be sure to read the comments below the video)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Chastity: What are the limits? video

This is a great video to foster a discussion about the value of virtue and the standard of sexual purity.

Shareable link:

Ideas on how to use this video:
  • Show it during an activity followed by a discussion.
  • Ask questions such as: When is the best time to decide on your limits? How do you know what is right and what is wrong? Why would a young man push you to do things that are not right? Why is it important to remain virtuous? How will your virtue affect your happiness? How will your virtue affect your future husband and children? Why do you think God gave us this standard?
  • Listen to or read Sister Dalton's talk - "Guardians of Virtue" and have each young woman follow this counsel: "Making decisions in advance will help you be guardians of virtue. I hope each of you will write a list of things you will always do and things you will never do. Then live your list." 

More on this topic:

Thursday, April 14, 2011


It's a bit odd to change topics from General Conference to Easter to kissing - but a new Mormon Times article on kissing might be an interesting discussion starter for young women. It's titled "Counsel for Latter-day Saint singles on kissing." If we can help young women be virtuous in every aspect of their lives, they will be prepared to enter the temple, make and keep sacred covenants, and enjoy the blessings of exaltation.

Here are a few excerpts from the article:

President Spencer W. Kimball said: “Kissing has been prostituted and has degenerated to develop and express lust instead of affection, honor and admiration. To kiss in casual dating is asking for trouble. What do kisses mean when handed out like pretzels and robbed of sacredness?”

How is one to avoid prostituting kisses or using them to express lust rather than affection? uses the term “passionate kissing” to describe kissing that crosses the line. But, like President Kimball’s kissing quote, I’m not sure we all know what “passionate kissing” means. After much Googling, I mainly came up with revealed definitions for what passionate kissing is not....

More information on this topic:

For the Strength of Youth online: Sexual Purity

The April 2010 New Era focuses on dating - a great resource

"Serious Questions, Serious Answers" - a talk by Elder Richard G. Scott that addresses questions about sexual purity. These might be helpful questions to go over with your young women.

"Speaking of Kissing" - New Era article by Bruce Monson

"What Do Kisses Mean?" - New Era article by John Bytheway

Mormonads - here's a link to the one shown above: Look Forward

Ideas for using these resources

Young Women Manual 3 Lessons 15, 16, 17, and 18 on the temple should be coming up. You could plan an activity on dating standards that lead to the temple. You could assign young women various resources to review and share or organized a dating standards panel.

How would you use these resources? (leave a comment)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Run for Virtue

Elaine S. Dalton, Young Women General President, visited a youth conference in Los Angeles last month. Part of the conference was a three mile "run for virtue."

You can read all about it in the March 5, 2011 Church News.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Law of Chastity on is the missionary website - the site for those less familiar with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

It's a wonderful website - explore it!  I love the video clips about members that do not exactly fit the typical mormon stereotype. I'll link some of them in a future post.

Here's the, law of chastity (virtue) explanation.

Note - there's a video image/link but it's not live in my 'pasted' text. (sorry - I can't find it on YouTube to embed for you). You can watch it on - it's worth watching. You could use it to begin a good discussion on virtue.

Live the Law of Chastity

The power and holiness of sexual intimacy requires careful protection so it can be a source of joy and closeness.
The power of procreation is a sacred part of God’s plan. It's an expression of love and allows husband and wife to create life. God has commanded that this power and privilege of a sexual relationship only exist between a man and woman who are legally married. This commandment is called the law of chastity. It requires abstinence from sex before marriage and complete fidelity and loyalty to our spouses after marriage. God expects us to keep our thoughts clean and be modest in our dress, speech, and actions (Matthew 5:27–28).  We must also avoid viewing pornography and engaging in homosexual relations.
We understand that the principles of the law of chastity set The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints apart and may sound strict to the rest of the world, yet great blessings of peace, self-respect, and self-control come from obeying this commandment.
Marriage in the Temple

If you go to the website - this chastity segment is shareable by email, facebook, and twitter.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

BYU Study: Sexual abstinance until marriage leads to stability and trust

We live in a toxic world. Young women today need our help, as parents and leaders, to stay on the path of virtue.

An article, published in the Jan 8, 2011 Church News, describes research support for our standards of virtue and sexual purity. It describes a recent Brigham Young University study, published in the American Psychological Association's Journal of Family Psychology, exploring impact of sexual involvement during dating.

Here's an excerpt:

"Research shows that as couples develop their relationship while delaying or refraining from sexual intimacy they are able to form foundations on communication and other social processes."
"When couples become sexual early in the relationship … other areas do not develop as well," Brother Busby said. "Couples who wait spend time talking and sharing their life, getting to know each other in other ways, strengthening their relations and creating greater relationship satisfaction."

Elaine Dalton has consistently emphasized virtue during her years as Young Women General President.
Here are links to a few of her talks on virtue:
"Remember Who You Are!" April 2010 General Young Women Meeting
 "Come Let Us Go Up to the Mountain of the Lord," April 2009 General Young Women Meeting
"A Return to Virtue," Oct 2008 General Conference

This article is making news in far away places:

The Economist
and The Irish Times

Friday, February 4, 2011

Church News Articles

Over the past year or so, there have been regular Church News articles written by members of the Young Women General Presidency. They are excellent resources for parents and leaders.

Here are some of the recent articles:

"Young Women: New year, new you"
Elaine S. Dalton, Jan 22, 2011

Strength of Youth Media - 2011

"'The Strength of Youth Media' can act as a resource for parents, leaders of youth and priesthood leaders to supplement lessons, use in firesides, to facilitate a discussion and inspired learning in Sunday lesson settings; to use at youth conferences and in family home evening lessons. The possibilities are limitless for using this resource along with the "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet, to help strengthen the rising generation" 

"Young women: 'More holiness give me'"
Elaine. S Dalton, Dec 18, 2010

100% challenge for young women.

"In the coming year, as a Young Women general presidency, we will continue to ask young women everywhere to act to increase their faith by doing three things:
1. Pray morning and evening
2. Read in the Book of Mormon each day.
3. Smile as they remember that they are beloved daughters of our Heavenly Father.
In addition to this, in 2011 we will be adding a fourth invitation. We will be asking each young woman to become familiar with and to obey and live the standards in the "For the Strength of Youth." Doing these simple things will invite the companionship and guidance of the Holy Ghost. And, as their leaders, we will be doing exactly what we are asking the young women to do."

"Latter-day Saint Young Women: 'In the strength of the Lord I can do hard things'"
Elaine S. Dalton, Oct 16, 2010

Story of a group of young women who walked from the Draper temple to the Salt Lake Temple AND read Jesus the Christ a few months earlier.

"Their ward Young Women president, Michelle Carnesecca, knew what every good leader knows: that there is no motivation in being involved in a mediocre cause. These young women were not only told that they were great, but they were given the opportunity to BE great, to ACT great, and to DO great things. 

"Many times leaders are tempted to protect the youth from experiencing and doing hard things. And yet these noble young women yearn to make a difference and to accomplish the seemingly impossible. This is one of the reasons the youth love to participate in pioneer treks, 50 mile hikes, and Young Women camp. And that is why they were gathered at the temple, ready to walk 22 miles. 

"'She Glowed!' Young woman filled with light before baptism"
Elaine S. Dalton, Sept 18, 2010

Story of Huan Wen Qian's baptism - a beehive who was introduced to Christianity and the LDS church by the Beehive class president.

"What will help this new member of the Church stay on the path back home to her Father in Heaven? What will help every young woman remain pure and clean and unspotted from the world? Baptism is the beginning. It is making and keeping sacred covenants and receiving the ordinances of salvation. It is preparing to receive all that the Father has by remaining worthy to enter holy temples and to receive the ordinances and make the covenants available there?

"Anxiously engaged in a good cause"
Elaine S. Dalton, Aug 21, 2010

The 2010 youth theme is the 13th Article of Faith.

"During the coming year, youth can build on their resolve to remain strong and courageous. It will not be enough to ask the youth not to participate in worldly things. We as their parents and leaders must help them seek after the good and be able to identify those things that are "virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy." Perhaps we could say, "If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we [want to provide the youth] these things."

"Ribbons, recognition and relationships"

Elaine S. Dalton, July 17, 2010

Story of a bishop in Africa who is doing Personal Progress and has young women verify his completion of each experience and sign his book.

He "shared that whenever he completed an experience in Personal Progress, he asked a young woman to verify his completion and sign his Personal Progress book. He had recently completed one of the value experiences in Personal Progress and had asked a young woman in his ward to sign his book."

"He shared with her the things he had learned and done and then she asked to see his journal entry regarding this experience because that was part of the requirement. He replied, "Well, I did not write about this in my journal. I don't have one." The young woman replied, "Well then Bishop, I cannot sign your Personal Progress book. Come back when you have completed all the requirements."

"Bee a mentor - Righteous influences critical in life"
Elaine S. Dalton, June 19, 2010

The Honor Bee

"Earning the Honor Bee in Young Women encourages every young woman to become a mentor. After a young woman finishes her Personal Progress and receives her Young Womanhood award and medallion, she can become a mentor to another young woman and, in the process, she can earn an Honor Bee. The Honor Bee is a symbol of someone who has gone the extra mile and beyond the requirements."

"In the end, mentoring boils down to love — the pure love of God. Mentoring is a belief in the individual and the capacity of that individual to be or become more."

"'We can rise above' - Virtue begins in heart and mind" 
Elaine S. Dalton, May 15, 2010 

It is possible to be virtuous in today's world.

"Virtue begins in the heart and in the mind. It is nurtured in the home. Virtue is chastity and sexual purity. Virtue is obtained by developing patterns of thought and action based on high moral standards. It is a daily pursuit because patterns are formed as we do things daily that strengthen our resolve."

Sister Mary N. Cook: A call to action  
Mary N. Cook, April 17, 2010

Suggestions on how to teach young women and help them receive the counsel of our prophets.

"We want our youth to be riveted on the teachings of the living prophets. We believe as we give youth opportunities to prepare to learn, teach one another and act on these teachings, "the power of God [will work] miracles in them, they will be "converted unto the Lord and never [will] fall away." (See Alma 23:6.)"

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Video: "Significant in Every Way"

Here's one of my favorite LDS youth videos.

A young woman from South Africa reads a poem she composed about her significance as a daughter of God.

Questions to consider:

What does it mean to be significant in every way?

How did Pamela Hirwa explain her significance?

How can we come to understand our own significance?

How does a young woman who understands her significance affect those around her?

What is the relationship between understanding our significance and remaining virtuous?

Activity Idea:

Have each young women create an expression of her significance using words, images, or other media.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

General Young Women Meeting Videos

The past few General Young Women Meetings have included excellent videos - perfect for use in Sunday lessons or activities. I've collected them here for you.

2010 - "Be Strong: I Know Who I Am"

2009 - "Virtue: For Such a Time as This"

2008 - "Ask and Ye Shall Receive"

This one is not on YouTube, so I can't embed it. The easiest way to view it is from this list on the old site.

This last one wasn't shown at a General Young Women meeting. It is a collection of highlights from the 2010 meeting. This might be a good way to promote watching this year's broadcast.