Help for those who love and serve

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Law of Chastity on is the missionary website - the site for those less familiar with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

It's a wonderful website - explore it!  I love the video clips about members that do not exactly fit the typical mormon stereotype. I'll link some of them in a future post.

Here's the, law of chastity (virtue) explanation.

Note - there's a video image/link but it's not live in my 'pasted' text. (sorry - I can't find it on YouTube to embed for you). You can watch it on - it's worth watching. You could use it to begin a good discussion on virtue.

Live the Law of Chastity

The power and holiness of sexual intimacy requires careful protection so it can be a source of joy and closeness.
The power of procreation is a sacred part of God’s plan. It's an expression of love and allows husband and wife to create life. God has commanded that this power and privilege of a sexual relationship only exist between a man and woman who are legally married. This commandment is called the law of chastity. It requires abstinence from sex before marriage and complete fidelity and loyalty to our spouses after marriage. God expects us to keep our thoughts clean and be modest in our dress, speech, and actions (Matthew 5:27–28).  We must also avoid viewing pornography and engaging in homosexual relations.
We understand that the principles of the law of chastity set The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints apart and may sound strict to the rest of the world, yet great blessings of peace, self-respect, and self-control come from obeying this commandment.
Marriage in the Temple

If you go to the website - this chastity segment is shareable by email, facebook, and twitter.

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