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Showing posts with label Priesthood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Priesthood. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

YW Manual 3: Lessons 12-14

Young Women will soon be learning about the priesthood in their Sunday lessons.

Lessons 12-14 are now updated in the online manual

Lesson 12 -  The Blessings of the Priesthood

Lesson 13 - The Priesthood Can Bless Families

Lesson 14 - We Have a Wonderful Legacy

Each of these lessons has suggested discussion questions, current words from the prophets, conference talks to study, scripture resources, videos, lesson application ideas, and suggestions for Personal Progress. All if these resources are linked right from the online lesson.

Aren't these extra resources fabulous?!?

Here are the videos suggested for YW Manual lessons 12-14. Remember, these are supplementary resources. They don't necessarily need to be shown Sunday in class. You could email or text a link to a video and ask the young women to watch the video before or as a follow up after class.  You could also use videos in Mutual or firesides. I will include textable, emailable links that go to  the church's YouTube channels for each of the videos below. I like the idea of sharing these links because it will introduce this rich video resource to the youth.

Lesson 12 video - "Blessings of the Priesthood"
Shareable link:

Lesson 13 video - "Becoming a Priesthood Man: Priesthood Duty" from 2011 Strength of Youth Media
Shareable link: 

Lesson 14 video - "The Message of the Restoration"
Shareable link:

"Reviewing the Lessons of the Past"
Shareable link:

Other videos on the priesthood

"Elder Perry on the Priesthood Part One: The Oath and Covenant"
Shareable link:

"Elder Perry on the Priesthood Part Two: The Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods"
Shareable link:

"Directing the Lord's Work" Elder Bednar explains the role of an Apostle
Shareable link: