Young Women Manual 3: Lessons 16-18 on the temple should be coming up soon.
This is an extremely important topic. Note the vision statement at top of the Getting Started section of the Young Women website:

Take care to prepare spiritually as you plan these critical lessons.
This is from Handbook 2 section 3.2.1
Leaders prepare themselves spiritually as they keep the commandments, study the scriptures and the teachings of latter-day prophets, pray, fast, and humble themselves before the Lord. With this preparation, they are able to receive inspiration to guide them in their personal lives, their family responsibilities, and their callings.
Lesson Resources - from the manual
There are wonderfully current resources included in the online lessons. Here are links - look in the right sidebar for the Resource Guide plus additional current materials.
Lesson 16: Temple Endowment
Lesson 17: Preparing to attend the Temple
Lesson 18: Temple Marriage
Look how current some of the materials are - Elder Scott's April 2011 General Conference talk and Sister Dalton's March General Young Women Meeting "Guardians of Virtue" talk are included in Lesson 18.

Lesson 17 suggests these two very current videos - "Temple Blessings - Worth Every Sacrifice" is a video excerpt, created for youth, from President Monson's April 2011 Conference talk. The Kyiv Ukraine Temple video has been surprisingly popular. Youth from the Ukraine share their excitement for the blessings of the temple.

Remember - there are suggested discussion questions and ideas to help young women apply what they learn.
From lesson 17

Other Resources
This is a difficult section to create - because there are so many! Just about any talk by Sister Dalton focuses on the temple. I'll include a few things here, but please know, there are many many more. The key is to prepare spiritually, pray hard, seek inspiration and teach your young women what their Heavenly Father wants them to learn and become.
This would be a great month to learn and sing "Guardians of Virtue"! See my earlier post on how to download mp3 and sheet music,
"The Holy Temple - a Beacon to the World" - April 2011 General Conference talk by President Thomas S. Monson
"Look to the Temple" - 2009 BYU Woman's Conference address by Elaine S. Dalton
"Latter-day Saint Young Women: 'In the strength of the Lord, I can do hard things'" - Church News Article by Sister Dalton about a group of young women walk 22 miles from Draper temple to Salt Lake temple
Lds.org topic page on Temples
Temple Preparation Seminar lesson manual
The entire October 2010 Liahona and Ensign magazines are full of articles about the temple and gorgeous pictures.

There's a special article for youth: "Making the Temple a Part of Your Life"
Here are a few of the pictures:

San Antonio, Texas Celestial Room

Where did you get the beautiful photo of the Salt Lake temple with the tulips? I'd love to order a copy. hsmith@sugarsalem.com
ReplyDeleteThat image belongs to the General Young Women office. I wish I had a copy to share