Can you believe that video excerpts from Saturday sessions of conference are already on the Youth website?!
Thank you to all those who worked to make this happen.
Here are the first four posted:
Remembering the Sacrament, L. Tom Perry
The Parable of the Purse, Quentin L. Cook (I love this!)
What is a Latter-day Saint?, Boyd K. Packer
Face the Future with Faith, Russel M. Nelson
Achieve Your Eternal Destiny, Dallin H. Oaks
As conference continues, watch for messages that will lift your young women. I put a little "YW" by the special notes I take.
Update - more excerpts have been added - go to From Church Leaders on the youth website to see the latest.
Here's more on General Conference:
"Why Conference Matters" - thoughts from President Monson
Why participate in conference?
Behind the Scenes at Conference
Church News & Events on General Conference
Three new temples announced!
Statistical report shared Saturday afternoon
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